
氏名 | 脇田 佐知子 |
マスターライセンス 取得年 | 2013年4月 |
対応エリア | 和歌山県、奈良県、沖縄県、アメリカ、オーストラリア |
メールアドレス | メールはこちらから |
電話番号 | 080-1459-0862 |
URL | Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/sachipan2/ X(twitter): https://twitter.com/SachikoAvatar Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/sachikow1 |
趣味・特技・好きなもの | 趣味は、音楽鑑賞、映画鑑賞、ラジオ鑑賞、読書、筋トレです。音楽は、星野源を中心にいろんな年代の洋楽/邦楽を聞きます。ボーカル以外の音、特にベースとドラムの音が好きです。 周りの反対に耳を貸さず、やりたいこと(音楽・俳優・文筆業)を全部やってしまった星野源がカッコ良すぎて苦しいです(笑)「才能があるからやるのではなく、才能がないからやる、という選択肢があってもいいんじゃないか。そう思います」という星野源の言葉が好きです。 特技は、英語、フラフープ、カボチャのポタージュ、カレーです。 地元の和歌山県橋本市で英語のイベントを主催しています。 アトランタの友人を訪ねた時、有名な俳優さんと(しかもその俳優さんの家で!!)環境問題について語り合う機会に恵まれました。その時は英語を勉強をしていて本当に良かったと思いました。 その他好きなもの:コーヒー、シナモンロール、日光の「日の輪」、お亀堂のあん巻き、タコス、沖縄、オードリー若林、オールナイトニッポン、バカリズム、東京03。 |
It is a powerful ally in life, one that will never let you down. There are always options available. You have friends to explore with and tools to help you uncover countless possibilities.
(Q. What is the reason for doing Avatar Master? )
It’s because it’s fun. Every time I use the tools or participate in a course, I discover something new about myself. I feel the excitement of watching people transform right before my eyes. I love knowing that this journey of self-awareness never ends and that I can continue to grow and evolve.

(Q. When do you feel “I’m glad I became an Avatar Master”?)
It’s when you realize that you can offer the kind of support people truly need, not just surface-level pleasantries. I’m always deeply moved when I witness the moment a student’s serious expression transforms into one filled with excitement and clarity.
(Q: What changes have you noticed in yourself using the Avatar® tool?)
The number of people I dislike has decreased. I’ve become more honest. Pretense has diminished. I can now engage in arguments with my parents

(Q. What kind of job do you think Avatar Masters do?)
It’s a job that’s hard to explain because there’s no other job like it…
I think it’s a job that makes the world a better place by increasing the number of people who can live their lives happily and deliberately.
We support people in using the tools to become the person they want to be, helping them to free themselves from the restrictions and indoctrinations they have unknowingly acquired at school or in society, and to acquire the power to shift themselves from serious situations.
I think that if more people live deliberately, there will be fewer victimizer and victims in the world, and this will ultimately lead to a peaceful world. This may sound ambitious, but when you think that there are Avatar Masters in countries all over the world, it really is a job that can make the world a better place on a global scale.
(Q. What has changed about you since becoming an Avatar Master?)
My life goals have changed. They have changed from selfish goals to goals that are useful to other people.
While my previous goals outwardly appeared altruistic, in reality, they were primarily driven by personal gain.
I believe that once you experience the profound joy of guiding others towards enlightenment, you’ll be motivated to excel in your role as a master. Selfish goals often lead to feelings of envy and can even hinder the progress of others. This realization has been a valuable lesson for me.

(Q: What do you value as a master?)
Being honest with myself. Feeling what is there as it is. Staying aware.
(Q. How do you want to grow as an Avatar Master?)
I want to continue to develop skills that are helpful to others.

(Q. What kind of team is the Avatar Master team?)
It’s a great team that can produce many times the power of the sum of its members.
Because everyone shares the same purpose, work gets done quickly, and even when challenges arise, we face them directly and find solutions that everyone can agree on.
The team is also filled with a playful spirit, making it enjoyable simply to be a part of it.